Sinister Ex-Girlfriend

Sinister Ex-Girlfriend Chapter 61

Here’s another chapter~ Ah yes, some cleaning up from last chapter: Four Districts of Huaxia/ Huaxia’s Four Districts/whatever I typed that means about the same thing, was actually the 4th District of Huaxia. Ah, and I’ve been replying to comments through my phone, but it doesn’t send through fml. I’ll reply, but it’ll take some […]

Sinister Ex-Girlfriend Chapter 60

Hey readers, I’m back~! ヾ(^∇^) Now now, I know what you all wanna say. Why’d it take so long to update!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Let me first say: Sorry! *bows* m(_ _)m And now, let me tell you my excuses reasons for being absent. A friend kept borrowing my laptop because she wanted to finish her assignment (bc she […]

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