Day: January 22, 2019

Sinister Ex-Girlfriend Chapter 60

Hey readers, I’m back~! ヾ(^∇^) Now now, I know what you all wanna say. Why’d it take so long to update!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Let me first say: Sorry! *bows* m(_ _)m And now, let me tell you my excuses reasons for being absent. A friend kept borrowing my laptop because she wanted to finish her assignment (bc she […]

This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 97

Banana just binged reading [The Earth Is Online] and man, I was so confused that I have long stopped trying to understand the game mechanism _(;3/ (Currently at 108 something) Doesn’t help that it was edited MTL, some pronoun and grammar were all over the place. But I think the raw is like that as […]

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