Author: IAmABanana

This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 183 Extra 14

Okay, Banana said will publish yesterday but totally forgotten about it _(;3/ Sorry… On the other hand, people in my neighbourhood is doing panic buying and I have no idea why they do that _(;3/ It’s not like we are having a zombie apocalypse right now. So, Banana have no choco milk to drink… Chapter […]

This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 175 Extra 6

Here’s the final extra for Ruixue POV… finally _(;3/ Chapter 175 Extra 6 Translator : IAmABanana On the other hand, the coronavirus is getting scarier. Hope everyone stay safe and follow WHO guidelines yo : WHO’s standard recommendations for the general public to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses are […]

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